Wabash Conference Medical Release Form*
*Leaders, please make sure to have these on hand to turn in with your final registration payment the day of the event.*
Have your students make a list of service projects they are able to do and compile the list together. Next, determine a reasonable ticket price for each project. Print each project title and price on an envelope (we chose to purchase blue paper and have some of our artistic students fold them into envelopes to save money); there can be several matching envelopes. Print small "tickets" that have a perforated edge, with one side containing contact info for the buy they turn back into you and the other side having basic info of the project being purchased. Insert the paper into the coordinating envelope. Purchase a 8' X 4' drywall board and paint it whatever color you want. Then pushpin each envelope on the board with label facing outward.
Serve Project Examples:
The following fundraisers come from http://fmyc.fminfuse.org/fundraising-ideas/
Protection Money You offer protection from an item, such as a purple toilet. If members of your church don’t buy protection, then the toilet gets delivered to their front lawn, and the only way to have it removed is to pay the toilet removal fee. Fun stuff… but clean the toilet first.
The Flamingo Project This is where the youth group is paid to “flamingo” a house (put little plastic flamingos all over the house) and then paid to have removed. The victims can also buy insurance which would allow them to be flamingo free for 6 months. http://amzn.to/2dMhwsn
Flamingo Picketing Suggest $1 per Flamingo to picket at your friend/neighbor/stranger’s yard as a prank. When they wake up in the morning, they’ll see 200 plastic flamingos stuck in their yard. http://amzn.to/2dMhwsn
Noodles & Doodles (Pasta Dinner & Art Auction) Have students create their own original artwork (painting, sculptures, poems, anything). Have them create around their favorite Bible verse or story. The more the better. Have your students sell tickets in advance. At the event, have all the art displayed so everyone can see. Then serve a pasta dinner. Students act as servers and are dressed in black and white. After dinner either do a silent auction or live auction. To increase your profits, have parents or adults donate pasta, sauce and tableware. Donations from Italian diners can help too. If you do a silent auction and have artwork leftover, simply do a fast live auction. This will cause excitement and these pieces will usually go for more than the others.
Dodge Ball Tourney $10 or so per person. You can sell snacks and stuff on the side. We took a bowling trophy and cut and reapplied the arm so it looked like it was throwing a dodge ball for a low-cost prize.
Desserts competition Host a competition around the best chocolate desserts. Have people at church sign up and make their best chocolate-infused treat. Send a letter out and have adult leaders follow up with the community (businesses) on prize donations for the winners. Charge people at the door ($5) for the privilege of tasting all the cocoa-inspired goodness while they listened to live music (could be a student band). Great around Valentines Day.
Congregation Spaghetti Dinner Area stores donate food so the youth group can offer the entire congregation a free spaghetti dinner. During the dinner, there is also a pie or dessert auction (silent or the traditional way, depending on if you have a good auctioneer handy). If a pie auction, have youth, or the youths’ parents bake a pie/dessert to have auctioned off. A huge seller is a “Pies for a Year” (one pie a month – have congregation members sign up to help with this). This also acts as a great inter-generational ministry as the youth and “older members” get to interact with each other more intentionally.
Chili cook-off with talent show
Pre-sell sub sandwiches for Super Bowl Sunday. Get the produce donated and have the kids make them. Charge what you like for the subs.
Babysitting Day Great in early December so parents can get some Christmas shopping done!
Service Board Church members post on a bulletin board odd jobs or service projects for around their home and a price they would pay for the service. Youth take the postings and sign up to do the task for the donation.
144 Envelopes Put 144 envelopes in the narthex or back of the church, numbered from 1–144 (with $ in front). So $1, $2, etc. Ask church members to make a donation with that amount of money in it. If every envelope got filled, it = $10,800
Miles Map Calculate the mileage from your church to FMYC and advertise the cost per mile. Create (or purchase) a large map highlighting your route and fill in the route as your fundraising progresses. As people in your congregation to sponsor by the mile, or particular stretch.
Rummage/Garage Sale Take donations, sell booth space and run a concession. Maximize your earning potential in a single event.
Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser Sell homemade rolls – made by students and volunteers. Obtain pre-orders from the congregation and sell by the dozen.
Baked Goods Auction Have the youth each bake 3–4 homemade cakes, pies or other scrumptious goodies. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, have a live auction where all the desserts are auctioned off. Church members love it, because they have a selection of desserts, already made for them in time for Thanksgiving.
Basket Auction Obtain donated products and services from local businesses. Put a mixture of things in baskets and then auction off each basket.
Youth Auction Get the youth to auction off themselves to church members to do yard work, pet sitting, babysitting. Or, have the congregation bring items to auction, such as gift cards, gift baskets, baked goods, etc. Then have a silent auction with a meal to peak the interest of the congregation.
Pie Auction Have members of the congregation bake pies and bring them to church on a set Sunday. Have a silent auction for them. This is easy to plan for. (Just put up signs and include them in the bulletin, etc.) Have bid sheets next to each pie. It’s a little work and a big return. (You’d be surprised how much some people will pay for a pie to help the youth!)